Tuesday, 18 March 2014


Eating is part of our daily life because it is a human need. But did you know that eating specific kind of foods actually help with maintaining a healthy brain?  These foods are called ‘superfoods’. According to research, eating these ‘superfoods’ might increase the odds of having a healthy brain for the rest of our lives if added to our daily diet. A few examples of these ‘superfoods’ are salmon, nuts and seeds, multi-grain, avocados and blueberries. Salmon fish is rich in an essential fatty acid which is essential for a functioning brain. This fatty acid is called omega-3 which also contains anti-inflammatory substances. On the other hand, nuts and seeds contain a good source of vitamin E while multi-grain reduces the risk of heart failure. Last but not least, avocados and blueberries are great at promoting blood flow to the brain. Stable blood flow through the brain is a sign of a healthy brain.


Source : https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&espv=210&es_sm=122&biw=1920&bih=974&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=avocado+salmon+blueberries+nuts+seeds+and+multigrain&oq=avocado+salmon+blueberries+nuts+seeds+and+multigrain&gs_l=img.3...162375.163679.0.164115.

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